- S.W.C.I. was formed in 1954; the club produced its first anthology in 1957
- Club offers support and respectful camaraderie for writers of all genres wherever they are on their writing journey
- Meetings are held monthly from September to May for sharing news, planning events, readings, and writing activities (online and in person)
- Monthly newsletter by email includes writing tips, contest and workshop information, and writing-related events
- There are two annual writing contests with cash prizes judged by published authors
- Workshops with professional, published authors are free for members
- An annual retreat including presentations, opportunity for critique, and writing time is offered annually
- Currently there are about 17 members
- Facebook group: Saskatoon Writers’ Club Inc. (1954)
For more information contact jcmontgomery@sasktel.net or marilynfrey@hotmail.com
Anthology 2024:
Hot off the press is the next anthology of short stories and poetry by the Saskatoon Writers’ Club Inc. including two short stories by Monica: The Robbery and Christmas Presents, a sequel to Camelot Confidential. The Robbery won first place in the Club’s Wordsmith contest in June, 2023.
Comedy and tragedy, action and reflection, poetry and prose. This wonderful anthology can be swallowed whole like a ripe fruit or nibbled and considered mindfully in snippets. Tucked inside are the flavours and tones of our province and nation, certainly, but also those of our shared humanity. Read, love, enjoy.

Anthology 2021:

Fact, Fiction and Fantasy showcases the prose and poetry of its members in this anthology. Many pieces have been in the top three of the club’s two annual contests which are blind judged by award-winning Saskatchewan authors. From a city girl learning to be a farm wife to a retelling of fairy tales, from a child soldier’s struggle to an easy way to make cinnamon buns, sit back and enjoy the delightful mix of fact, fiction, and fantasy.
Read short story Criminals by Monica and a selection of flash fiction written in 6 minutes from 3-word prompts.